So, here is the initial block in of a larger canvas. It was a happy discovery to realize that I was very uninspired to do another 6x8, but not uninspired to paint larger! Sometimes you just need to do something different for awhile. I am only going do larger paintings until I want to do a small one again.
Okay, I've had enough of 6x8's for awhile. Im going to do some larger sizes!
This is from a photo from out back. It's a snowy day here and I wanted to paint something like that
Here's another of the barn done in a different color scheme. I think this one looks more like morning than evening. I got my Stephen Quiller book out last night. I got it a long time ago in school and it never meant much to me, but I thought I'd see if I could put it to use now. Sometimes you have to have more context to understand something. Maybe I have enough context now.
This painting was done with a palette knife. At the time I was painting it, I didn't think it was working. But later, after I hadn't looked at it for a bit, I realized it worked very well. Sometimes its fun to paint in an unfamiliar way. You might be surprised at the results!
I sketched this one afternoon on our hunting trip. We were camped right by the river and there were lots of fishermen there. It used to be a blue ribbon trout fishing spot, but most of the big ones are no longer there. It was good to sketch instead of paint. I need to do more of it.
This little painting was an experiment in color. I used a photo taken in bright sunshine and decided to put in somewhat opposite colors everywhere just to see what would happen. I like it. I don't really understand the logistics of it, but I think I'll do some more experimenting of this kind. I know that people who understand color theory much better than I do, can use it to get exactly the mood they want. Hopefully, I'll learn to do that too. It does look quite evening-ish.
Here's my reworked version. Mostly I placed the bushes a little differently, so they don't lead off the edge so much.
This is one of the scenes I did this summer during the plein air event. Only this time its from the photo. I have changed it some since I took this the other day. I'll post it when it's done. I really should plan better!
This was a great little painting until I kept messing with it and lost the quality it had at first. Shouldn't do that!
This might be the first and last of the color around here. Its gotten pretty cold and windy. We still have some trees with green leaves, but they may not turn. They might just fall off after turning brown. I hope not. Hunting season is in full swing here, with lots of preparations going on for it. We'll see what we get this year . . . hopefully not snowed out! But if we do, I can get some painting done.
This is a little hill at the park I walk at. I always walk by this and think I should paint it. I don't think I quite did it justice - I may try again.
Fall is definitely here. This is some more rabbit brush in back of my house. Its my favorite time of the year! And we even got some snow this morning.