Here's yesterday's painting. I did this from a photo, but earlier in the year - August - I painted this little hillside scene plein air. I still like the undertone of cad red light and small brushstrokes.
As the title says, I painted this in the car yesterday at lunch time, in about a half hour. I used my little "car kit" as I call it. I will post some photos of it also.
Well, this is another 6x8, but it was fun to do because its a study and I was after the action. I like leaving the background so its just the color of the paper and having all the action right in the middle. Studies are very enjoyable!
Well, I said I was tired of 6x8's, but it was the only size I had with me yesterday, so here it is. And it wasn't too bad. I painted with my friends and that always makes for an interesting time. We've been painting together for about 6 years now and its great to see how we've all improved.
Here's the final version. I mostly worked on the landscape surrounding the horses and left them alone, except for a bit of refining on their edges and faces of the two on the right. I added the fence posts and wire of the fence with a palette knife and a few strokes of varying warm and cool color in the grasses.
Here's the second stage of this painting. I like the horses and the light area along the bottom. I hope I can finish it without ruining what I've accomplished so far!