Friday, March 14, 2014

Scottsdale, here I come!

I'm headed to Scottsdale tomorrow! I've never been there so I'm pretty excited. I'll be taking a work shop with Camille Przewodek.  I've wanted to do this for a long time. It should be a lot of fun - a whole week's worth. I can't wait to post some photos when I get back. 

Footprints in the Snow

Her approach is a colorist approach and the goal will be to learn to paint the "light effect" on objects. It's a different way of seeing and painting than I'm used to although I'm pretty sure it's what I've wanted to do all along. Since signing up and watching her DVD, I've tried it, or at least tried to be aware of it a little more. I'm not expecting to paint any masterpieces down there, but am hoping to come back with a grasp on the concept.


Jo Castillo said...

Have fun and enjoy the warm weather. :) Workshops are inspiring, looking forward to hearing about it.

Ginny said...

Thanks Jo! I am definitely looking forward to the warm temps!

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